Wednesday 8 January 2020

@Alan - Blendshape Problems

I've run into quite a few problems while I've been trying to add blendshapes to Sketch. Every time I try to add a blendshape, I end up somehow bringing parts of the pelvis into the blendshape and I'm not sure how I'm doing this or how I can fix it?  I also keep getting a warning that says "// Warning: Cycle on 'l_shoulder_blendShape1.inputTarget[0].inputTargetGroup[4].inputTargetItem[6000]' may not evaluate as expected.  (Use 'cycleCheck -e off' to disable this warning.)" I'm not sure why I'm getting this warning and it's a bit worrying as I don't want to spend time working on the blendshapes just for something to go wrong. I'm also not sure why the arm has dark shading on it which is also worrying me. I'm going to focus on skinning the rest of my characters as I have wasted a lot of time restarting the blendshapes and still haven't been able to find a solution to the problems.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Noah - Firstly, the 'warning' (possibly) is coming from the fact that you have animation on your joint whilst creating the PS Deformer. Its not a problem. Try deleting the animation before creating the PSD just to check. The pelvis problem - That could be a number of things, number one though is that you're accidentally the vertices in that area somehow - eg by selecting them as you sculpt. Secondly, you may have a skinning issue in that area. So the movement is caused by a skinning problem that is being multiplied by the blend shape. You can select a vertice in that area and go to the 'Component Editor / Smooth Skins tab' and then check the list to see what influnces are on that vertice. Failing that, send me the file.
