Friday 22 November 2019

Minor - Toon Shader Experiment No.1

I've been experimenting with the Arnold toon shader a little bit. I was having a bit of trouble as I was trying to use Maya's toon shader instead of Arnold's toon shader. This meant that the outline was only covering the low res version of my model, and wouldn't smooth out to match my smoothed model. I changed the colour of the black toon outline by changing the edge colour of the outline to an image file of a pencil texture. I really like how this looks as it doesn't look as harsh as the bold black line. I would like to experiment more with changing the actual shape of the outline so that it represents a more uneven pencil stroke, instead of being a clean, precise line. I'll have to find the right tutorial for this mixed with lots of experimenting.

Toon Shader Experiment No.1 Test Render

Pencil Texture

Workspace/Edge Colour Attributes

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