Saturday 14 September 2019

Minor - Desk Set Up

I've modelled the lamp and the desk and added to stationary models to it to see what the set might look like. I arranged to stationary according to where they were placed in my animatic, however, I'm not sure I like the composition at the moment. The sketchbook needs to be bigger as it is the focal point of the animation. 


  1. Hi Noah. Nice to see you making models. Great :) A couple of minor notes that might help...

    1) I'm not sure what your intentions are in respect to style. Basically, are you trying to capture your drawing style in 3D? If so, try to capture the 'quirks' of your drawings in your models instead of making your models geometrically perfect. Otherwise you're 'rinsing' you models of your designs (their character/style). You can always use a Lattice to distort your models in minor ways.

    2) This is really minor, but your table legs need more geometry (about 4 loops diving the leg). At the moment its too basic and will result in textures distorting.

  2. Hi Alan,

    I was a little worried that the models were looking a bit boring. I'm hoping that the way I texture them will give them a bit more character but I'll definitely play around with distorting them a little. I'll also add some more geometry to the table legs. Thank you for the advice! :)
