Tuesday 5 March 2019

Premise - OGR

1 comment:

  1. Noah - Overall, I am glad to see that your project has (finally) found a direction. From the outside looking in the first half of the project was a bit of a mixed bag – vague/less defined ideas and missed tutorials etc. However, I like where this is heading now after your recent email conversations with Phil/opting for a more personal (in terms of theme) direction. With that said, this is still obviously early stages and I think the 'experiment subject' idea needs more thought and investigation. It has an 'and then...and then' quality which is sign that your narrative is either trying to tell too much or you haven't simplified your message(s) to a point where they are clear/simple enough to build upon. I’d be cautious of spanning long time periods too, that can often lead to trying to explain too much. I also think that the 'spider-verse' style direction has the potential to be an ‘off the shelf’ choice / a trope (its going to appear in a lot of student work due to its popularity) so be careful that your style choice is appropriate to the theme and not just based on popular trends/likes.

    As I said, this is an early stages OGR at a point when it is actually later in the day (if that makes sense?). So, you're going to need to work quickly to catch up. Firstly, and most obviously. I suggest you work on the story by trying to 'boil down' what it is you're trying to say - metaphorically speaking. You can do that by re-reading your own email - There is a lot of information in there. 'An experiment' is just one way of looking at it and if you find the clear message(s) more ideas will come to you because its easier to map them onto different situations/scenarios. Exploring your story will also give you more clues to your style too.

    In conclusion, a better OGR in terms of direction with still a way to go in terms of fulfilling its potential. In terms of advice it’s a little hard to give you story/narrative feedback at such an early stage and via your blog. Come and see me Friday if you wish to discuss your narrative ideas further.
