Friday 5 June 2020

Major Project Reflective Statement

After taking some time to reflect on my project, I have many thoughts and feelings about how the submission went. My submission was not what I wanted it to be. I'm still feeling disappointed in the outcome, But I will continue to work on the film and refine and fix it.

I ran into multiple issues with the project including my entire Maya program corrupting less than a day before the deadline. I felt frustrated that my submission went the way that it did, but I’m still proud of myself that I managed to submit something and wholeheartedly tried my best. There are many things that could be improved for my project. The film itself was not completely finished. I managed to get to animation done, but I was unable to render the Toon line for a small section of my animation, And was also missing some VFX. I completed my making of document and I think I managed to achieve my goal of making a more refined document despite struggling a little with graphic design. I was unable to take renders of all my shots due to my maya program corrupting, but I also understand that my time management was partly to blame for this. I also managed to render some turnarounds, but not all of them. 

So many things have gone wrong during this project and I wish my hand in could have gone differently. I wanted to celebrate finishing the project, and although I managed to hand something in, I wish I could have achieved more than I ended up with. Thinking more positivity though, I am proud of myself for handing in what I had and for being able to make what I have made.I really enjoyed collaborating with Alison to create the music, and I enjoyed animating and I love the story of my film and that I’ve managed to successfully convey the message I wanted people to understand when watching my film. I went through so many challenges trying to make the 2D Toon shader style work with my film, and I think I managed to achieve results that I’m happy with. I started this course absolutely terrified of Maya, and although I still have so much to learn, I’ve made so much progress since my first year of this course. I’ve gone through a bit of a journey to get to where I am today, and despite being disappointed with my submission, I am still passionate about finishing the film and refining it to be a film I am truly proud of. 

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